Convert bibtex to endnote online
Convert bibtex to endnote online

convert bibtex to endnote online

Note: Only EndNote version 8 and higher databases can be imported. Go into RefWorks and from the References menu select Import.Įxpand the From EndNote Database section.ĮndNote library (.enl).

convert bibtex to endnote online

All other versions ofĮndNote will require you to export the records fromĮndNote and import them into RefWorks (see instructions at the end of this section). Note: RefWorks has a feature that will allow you to upload yourĮndNote versions 8 through 10 library directly into RefWorks. Here are instructions for getting your data out of other bibliographic management programs and into RefWorks! Click on the link below for the program you want to export data from: Converting from Other Bibliographic Management Programs

Convert bibtex to endnote online